Whether it is a trip across multiple time zones or just up the road, 3 simple steps will keep your organized, comfortable and safe. You will arrive at your best, ready to nail that important presentation, impress the in-laws, enjoy your kid’s soccer game or explore another fabulous bucket list locale.
- Keep travel documents separate from identification/money/credit cards
- Store photos of all documents, passports, government issued ID on your smart phone in an encrypted app such as Keeper https://www.keepersecurity.com/
- Never miss a connection or lose the number of your lodging. Use an itinerary app such as Tripit by Concur https://www.tripit.com/
- Stop the ‘black hole’ effect of most carry-ons. Purchase a messenger bag redesigned with brightly colored lining and a plethora of secured pockets. Now you can find your items with ease. Buy the ‘ULTI’ messenger bag by CONMIGO.

- Packing cubes, packing cubes, packing cubes. Find what you need without disrupting your everything.
- Pack neutral colors. They are easier to coordinate. Pack by outfits.
- Pack light. It is so liberating. Hand wash if needed or splurge on laundry service.
- For more tips, check out ’30 Travel Pro Packing Tips’ at https://conmigobags.com/travel-essentials/30-travel-pro-packing-tips/
- Temperatures can fluctuate greatly. Carry or wear an extra layer. Bring a multipurpose scarf and warm socks.
- Always carry some healthy snacks and water. Try to avoid using plastics. A mesh ditty bag and a sturdy, reusable water bottle are better for the environment.
- Ear plugs and eye mask will increase your chances of catching some travel zzzs.
- Portable power banks with charging cables for all your gadgets ensures that you stay entertained or ready for work.
- Protect yourself from deadly deep vein thrombosis. Wear compression socks and bring a small inflatable beach ball with you. Partially inflate the ball to elevate your legs and roll under your feet for a nice massage.

- Relieve back and bum pain, prevent leg cramps and allow your legs to stretch out by carrying the only messenger bag with a multi-purpose pad. A cushion for your bum to protect your back and legs. While seated on the pad, it positions the bag behind your legs allowing you to stretch your legs. Now you can easily reach down to your bag and retrieve your belongings.
- Stop schlepping your bags. Use a luggage delivery service.
- Purchase luggage with wheels that pivot 360 degrees.
- Buy carry-ons with ability to be slipped onto the handle of your larger piece.
For Carry-ons
- Only use a VPN (virtual private network) when accessing public WIFI. This will safeguard your personal information from being hacked.
- Be sure your phone and keys are always within easy reach.
- Carry a personal safety attack alarm (a screamer-type device). Keep it in your hand when in questionable areas, especially at night. Many have a built-in flash light for added safety.
- Don’t hang your bag on the back of your chair.

Pickpockets love backpacks
- Pick pockets love backpacks. A messenger bag allows you to keep your hands free and bag completely under your control. Purchase an ‘ULTI’ messenger bag by CONMIGO (www.conmigobags.com)
- Use TSA approved luggage locks.
- Luggage tags should not include your home address.
- Place an additional luggage tag inside your bag.
- Never pack anything that you don’t want stolen.
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