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Sleep Tight-Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite

January 17, 2024
Sleep Tight-Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite
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Cimicosis-it is the medical term for a case of bed bugs, Cimex lectulariu. They won’t kill you but cause horrid itching.  And then there are the questions. Where did you get them?  Did you contaminate your home?  How do you keep from getting them again?

Where Bed Bugs can be Found  Bed bugs can be found in the most expensive hotels as well as in hovels. Unsuspecting travelers can transport these blood suckers from one place to another on their luggage and/or clothing.  Never to put your bags on the bed.  Grab that luggage rack hiding in the closet instead.

How to Identify Bed Bugs   Cimex lectulariu are relatively easy to spot.   They are brown, oval, flattish, can’t fly but scurry quickly.  After a blood meal they swell in size and are more reddish in color.  Though they do dine on blood, they are not known for transmitting disease.


Favorite Bed Bug Hangouts  The best way to safeguard yourself from an infestation is to check your bed before retiring for the evening.  Because of their small size they can secret themselves in areas no wider than the width of a credit card.  Favorite locales are mattresses, bed frames and headboards.  They have been known to venture into adjacent rooms so you need to be on alert in areas outside of the bedroom.

How to Identify if You Have Been Bitten  Don’t be surprised if you took a nap in the afternoon without incident but awaken in the morning covered with very itchy welts especially on your ankles. Bed bugs are most active at night.  Because the bite can resemble flea or mosquito bites, you need to identify the insect before a diagnosis of Cimicosis can be made.  Relief from the itch can be a cool shower and applying a topical hydrocortisone or antihistamine crème.  Other signs to look for are rusty brown spots on the sheets, mattress, bed clothes or walls.  You may smell a musty odor from their scent glands…gross!!!!

How to get rid of them?  If you are on the road and you suspect that your room is infested, call the front desk and request another room.  Check closely before accepting the alternative.  Keep your clothes and luggage off the bed and floor.  Wipe down your luggage after a trip, inside and out.  Don’t skip the wheels.  Unpack as soon as you return.  Wash your clothing in hot water followed by drying on high.  A trip to the dry cleaners as soon as possible is another option.

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by Bernadine Cruz, CEO/Founder CONMIGO